Saturday, 7 July 2012

Another shocking day on the beach.  It has been raining steadily all night and has carried in uninterrupted.  We were stood in the shed wondering what was the best option when we noticed that the water was rising in front of the door.  The drains in the road were blocked and water was bubbling up through our drain.  Fortunately there were some sand bags so we secured our home from home and went out into the storm to find the cause of the problem.

We looked on the beach at where the outlet from the gully should be and found that it wasn't there. we looked again and dug down into the sand, a foot down we found the outlet, or it found us, a water spout surged from it and carved a channel down the beach, the road and the area in front of our shed emptied itself in a couple of minutes.  Panic over for now, but later it filled up again.
Despite the horrible conditions we saw four hardy gentlemen take to the water in their swimming shorts.  People were astonished at their fortitude but in truth they weren't any wetter than the rest of us.
The weather precluded any serious cleaning so today's pedometer stats are not record breaking  10511 steps, 4.48 miles

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