Saturday, 14 July 2012

Just knocked off from an early shift on the beach. The day started promisingly enough with bright sunshine and light winds. Activity started early by Bin Central as barriers, gantries and PA was set up for the Swanage Half marathon.
There was quite a throng along shore road as runners and their supporters gathered. We got the routine cleaning chores done by 08.30 and by the start time there wasn't much free space along there. The town crier started the race at 09.30 and over 600 runners pounded along the front.
Yet again the weather turned and the clouds rolled in, we had a long shower but it started to dry up and the sun was back by the time the leaders started to come home at the end of the race. There was a fair amount of litter to pick up but it was nice that a lot of people complimented us on the cleanliness of the sea front, one couple from the Cotswolds told me that the main reason that brings them back to the town year after year is the pristine state of the town. It is nice to receive such unsolicited plaudits.

A few of the hardy fools setting out to run 13 miles when most right thinking people are safely tucked up in bed.
Today's stats: 16396 steps, 7.0 miles

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