Friday, 13 July 2012

Today was a little more lively than previous ones. I worked the 11-5 turn and when I got there most of the hard work was done. The sea front was filling up with larger crowds than usual, the reason being that the Olympic Torch Relay was coming to town.
There was a cavalcade of sponsor's vehicles giving out unsuitable freebies for a sporting event. The Coca-cola people gave out noise making devices and cola but the real surprise was the offering from Samsung.  I was expecting a hand out of plasma TVs but instead they were distributing inflatable dildos marked with the company logo, many of which I loaded into bin bags and threw away later.
Surprisingly there wasn't the expected amount of litter later, a mere four or five bags. Tomorrow the Swanage Half marathon takes place so there should be plenty of activity.
The torch passing Bin Central
I have to say that the build up was more exiting than the actual event. Everything that passed along the road drew an enthusiastic cheer, even the really embarrassed bloke who took a wrong turning and drove along behind the first set of police bikes. The police escort was from the Metropolitan Police and they appeared to be well experienced in drawing the crowds to a frenzy with their sirens and witty banter.  Soon they will be back to chasing down errant motorists and making their lives a misery.  It must be a real treat for them.

Free pop anyone?

If you study the BBC's Torch Cam footage you can spot me at 12.36, standing on a wall taking photos, I'm the one in the Hi-Viz vest looking out of place.

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