Monday, 23 July 2012

Sunshine really brings out the filthy buggers.

My first task today was to visit the steps leading up to the beach huts where some kind soul had left his dinner of the previous evening on one of the steps.  That wouldn't have been too bad but it had passed through his digestive tract first. He completed the deal by using his underpants as loo paper and had left them draped over the top of the mound. The sun had been on it and the bluebottles had started to get to work. I covered it with a shovel full of sand and went back to Bin Central to collect the necessary items to restore propriety and fragrance to the scene.  That done I observed that the beach was filling up to capacity, the strong sunshine and cloudless sky had brought the crowds in force and the beach traders, whilst not actually smiling, were looking a little less grumpy than usual.

One thing that all beach goers should know: burying your rubbish does not make it go away.  One tide and a bit of wind will bring it back to the surface. Compound this by leaving letters addressed to yourself in the bag will mean that you will soon be receiving an invitation to the local magistrate's court to explain your actions.

Having said all that, there was a good atmosphere on the beach today, people were having fun and even the Punch and Judy man (Known in the trade as a Professor) was happy giving some of his first performances of the season. Sad to say that Jack Ketch has been dropped from the cast but Neville the Devil was there in good voice.
That's the way to do it

As ever, the lovable old rogue was delighting the crowd of small people who enjoyed the audience participation.

Today's Stats are: 16335 steps, 6.96 miles

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