Saturday, 21 July 2012

This morning followed a pattern that has been set all week, at first light the weather was very promising and then the cloud rolled in and there were a few drops of rain, the round didn't get wet but the place emptied.  Overheard one parent telling her offspring that she couldn't go on the beach because it was raining, but this was 30 minutes after it had stopped. The poor kid was dressed as though it were winter in Reykjavik and must have been dripping with sweat inside. Didn't find anything remarkable on the beach but got to wondering why people feel that it is OK to leave used wet wipes all over the place.  The teenage tossers had been out last night and my priority was to get rid of all the broken glass they left in their wake. This put me behind on the beach litter pick but I was back on track by 9 am.
The open air theatre in Prince Albert Gardens, so called because it is round in shape, was wall to wall with chip wrappers so I scuttled off down there to sort it out.  the CCTV operators had been watching the miscreants and identified several of them, so they will be getting a visit from the enforcement officers asking for their proposals about how they will recompense the council for the extra work, I understand it will come to about a thousand pounds each.
At last the beach is starting to fill up with people and the grumpy traders are starting to take some cash.
Had an interesting discussion with a group of cyclists who had actually seen the dozen or so No Cycling signs on the sea front and asked if they actually applied to them as well. One of them queried the round sign with the red border depicting a bicycle saying that it should have a diagonal line through it. I suggested he get someone who can read to point out the relevant section in the highway code. Beside three of these signs the text "No Cycling, No Scooters, No Roller blades" is stated clearly so I could only assume that they could not read. Sadly such restrictions are necessary due to the holiday making public's tendency to wander around without looking where they are going. These days this is added to by the fact that many of them spend their days cocooned in the own little worlds with small plastic earpieces in, pumping the rather dubious works of Master Beiber and his ilk directly into what is left of their brain stems.
The world before all the people arrive
Nothing to do until tomorrow morning so here's the day's stats:
Steps: 16335 Miles:  6.96

These stats are brought to you courtesy of an app called Walkdroid, a free Android download.

If you have enjoyed reading this blog why not take a look at some of my other work, My book "The Art of Coarse Boating" is available at: Buy The-art-of-coarse-boating

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